Clinical Nutritionist
Clinical Psychologist
Senior Management Team
Senior Management Team
Senior Management Team
Clinical Team
Clinical Team
Clinical Team
Senior Management Team
Dr. Karnad is a licensed and experienced physician with 15+ years of experience in the UK and Kenya.
Senior Management Team
Dr. Makau is a qualified and experienced general practice physician with 9+ years of experience in the healthcare sector across medical practice.
Clinical Team
Dr. Karimi is a licensed medical doctor with 8+ years of experience across both the private and public sector.
Clinical Team
Dr. Yvonne is a licensed and experienced general practitioner with 5+ years of experience and expansive knowledge in primary healthcare.
Wellness Advisor
Anne Kaloki is an enthusiastic, passionate, empathetic clinical and community nutritionist.
Clinical Team
Dr. Kioko is a highly qualified medical doctor with 4+ years of experience.
Clinical Team
Dr. Nathifa is a General Practitioner with 3+ years of clinical experience as a healthcare provider and manager.
We will treat our clients, colleagues and ourselves with empathy, compassion and respect.
We will build trust through transparency, driven by data.  Â
In striving for excellence, we will not let time be a hinderance. We will move forward quickly with utmost safety to achieve the best clinical and healthy lifestyle outcomes for our clients. Â
When we focus on our clients needs, all else falls into place.Â
The people we serve matter to us and we will work not just to solve their clinical problems today, but to support and maintain their health long into the future.
Everything we do in our clinical and business operations prioritizes the quality of the services we offer.